Monthly Archives: September 2009

Welcome to Easily Gluten Free!

Hi!  Welcome to Easily Gluten Free, a place dedicated to simplifying the gluten free lifestyle.

I’ve been living the gluten-free journey since 2006.  At first, I felt very overwhelmed having to learn a new way to eat, thinking about every ingredient I put into my mouth.  Common things like making a weekly meal plan, a trip to the grocery store, ordering from a menu, or making dinner now came with huge learning curves and a host of emotions.

There are great resources out there that speak about eating gluten free which are full of medical information, testing options, ingredient lists, special recipes, and more.

But what I needed was practical help.  I would have loved to sit down with someone who could tell me the essentials: what to eat for each meal, how to feed my family nutritiously, how to eat out safely, how to enjoy special occasions like everyone else, and how to do it all without spending a fortune in time and money.

Now that I’ve been walking this road for several years, I’m dedicated to helping you on your journey as well.  I’m not a medical expert, just one who has lived gluten free long enough to finally feel at peace with it.  I’m here to help you live easily gluten-free too, so whether you’ve just begun or have been gluten-free for a while, I hope you join me in the journey.

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Filed under Getting Started